Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Tabitha Centers (Kinshasa)

    Although I am no longer in the Congo, I'd like to tell you about another ministry we observed and learned about while we stayed in Kinshasa.

     "Woman who prays, woman who works, woman of compassion."  This is the motto that the women of each Tabitha center recites and is held to as they adopt the name of Tabitha and are discipled in Bible teaching and sewing lessons.  The women of these centers have various backgrounds: some were rescued from some form of prostitution, while others were simply members of the same church who were struggling financially and needed to learn a trade to stay out of a hurtful lifestyle.  Now all of the women in these centers have a more promising future.  They have hope because one woman made the decision to serve God.

     Mama Claudine first moved to Kinshasa, hoping to serve somehow.  She took a look at the women of that city and saw that they were getting pregnant all the time and then getting abortions or leaving their babies to die. Starting with her neighborhood, Mama Claudine began to go over the "Choose Life" book with a few women in order to educate them in health matters.  But that wasn't enough.  She wanted to not only educate them but give them a better future.  So she taught them to sew, and the idea grew rapidly and developed into the Tabitha centers.

     Today, there are 40 of these centers in Kinshasa which have only been developed in the past year.  Each center is started and run by a church who provides a few items like a chalkboard and table.  During our visits to the Tabitha centers, we listened to each woman's dreams for the future.  Many of them had ambitious visions - often to open their own sewing shop or start their own Tabitha center once they graduate.  If these women follow through on their visions, Tabitha centers will multiply all over Kinshasa.  The hope is that there will be 1,000 centers in the city by 2019.

     P L E A S E   P R A Y :

  • Resources.  These centers often don't have the funds for enough sewing machines for the amount of women.
  • Leadership.  Pray for more leaders to rise up and start their own Tabitha centers.
  • Transformation.  Pray that these centers would continue to reach women in need and that it would change their lives for the better.
 To see more updates about the Tabitha centers, check out their facebook page.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Touched by a Girl (Gemena)

     She wakes up in the morning to work in the garden--one of her few pleasures--singing as she digs and plants in the red dirt.  Interrupted by fatigue, she is forced to quit because of her health condition. Returning to her brother's home, she dreads going back to a thatched roof that doesn't protect her from the rain and a family that doesn't let her use the dishes because of her disease.  At about 15 years old, Dedenteno Gbasememo has epilepsy, is covered in burn scars, and she desperately needs a sponsor.

     I first met Dedenteno on one of our many village trips to visit sponsored children.  Dedenteno was one of the girls I interviewed, and her scars set her apart from the others.  I interviewed her, just like the others, ending by praying with her.  When I had finished, I wandered around, taking photos of the children.  Later, the translator I partnered with came up to me and told me that Dedenteno was not in the system as a sponsored child.  My heart sunk.  The girl that needed a sponsor the most had none.  I felt helpless and broken -- until someone asked me to write her story.

     They asked me to write about this little girl whom I had barely met from another country and who spoke a different language from me.  And yet -- writing is my passion and I felt that God had directed me to this girl in order to spread the word about her need.  At first, I didn't know where to begin.  But I sat down, with a translator, and asked her about her life -- when she got epilepsy and how it affected her life.  Just a couple years later, she was cooking by a fire and because there was no one around to help her, she accidentally fell into the fire and badly burned herself.  Now, she needs a sponsor's aid for medical attention, food, and education.

                "O Lord, you hear the desire of the afflicted; you will strengthen their heart; you will incline your ear." 
Psalm 10:17

          "Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world."
James 1:27

     This girl is is desperate need, and a sponsor could give her the medical attention and spiritual guidance to bring about healing once and for all.  My prayer is that God would call someone to sponsor this girl and become her spiritual parents.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

To Love An Orphan (Global Fingerprints in Gemena)

     We've all seen the pictures--those photos of children, obviously from another country, wearing a school uniform and mounted on a refrigerator. Often these children are living in poor conditions and have lost either one or both of their parents. This little boy or girl is an orphan. But because God called an individual or a family to care for them, they have the opportunity to be fed nutritionally, educationally, physically and spiritually. They are the sponsored children.   

     Meet Alphonse. Because her father passed away, her mother most likely re-married and her new husband didn't want the responsibility of children. Thus, Alphonse is an orphan. Growing up as an orphan means that you don't have parents to look after you and love you. In Alphonse's case, her grandmother takes care of her. Often times children in third-world countries deal with health problems where a small cut could get infected and a cold could weaken an immune system and make them more susceptible to losing their lives. But in many ways, Alphonse is not unlike children her age in America.
     I had the privilege of interviewing this girl (along with a translator) for the purpose of updating her sponsor information on the Global Fingerprints website.  At about 12 years old, she loves to play jumping activities.  Part way through our interview, she taught me a hand game and was teaching one of our leaders a jumping game.  Just like any other child, she has dreams of what she wants to do when she grows up.  After high school Alphonse wants to become a nurse.  Her smile left an impression on my heart.

     Although Alphonse may not have a mother or father to take care of her, I rejoice in the fact that she has a sponsor parent who loves her, provides for her and covers her in prayer. But there are many children with Global Fingerprints who are in the system but have not yet been claimed for sponsorship. Global Fingerprints has children in Congo, Haiti, India, Indonesia, Liberia, and Zambia. I would encourage you to pray about this opportunity and see if God is calling you to be a spiritual parent to one of these orphans. Read some of their stories on the Global Fingerprints website or blog.  Pray about this opportunity to love an orphan.

"If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.  And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.  If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing....Love never ends.  As for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away.  For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when the perfect comes, the partial will pass away."
1 Corinthians 13:1-3, 8-10

Friday, July 24, 2015

VBS - Kinshasa Style


     This week has been our busiest time in the Congo yet.  We are helping to teach a week-long Vacation Bible School for about 150 kids from age 3 to about 15.  But, VBS in the Congo is done a little differently than in America.  Most of us only know a few words in Lingala and our resources are limited.  But as we come to the end of this week, the exhaustion of long mornings at VBS and busy evenings planning at home are pushing us to our limits both physically and mentally.  For this I thank God because it is forcing us to give Him our plans and rely on Him for our source of energy.

(My six year olds--they loved their creation mobile craft.)

     Each evening before VBS we spend planning for the next day.  Our job is to come up with a craft and one or two games to further enforce the story of the day.  For example, on the first day the Bible story was creation.  Since it was our first day we weren't prepared in time to print anything, so in Congolese-fashion we created and painstakingly traced 150 copies of coloring pages and squares for a 7-days-of-creation mobile.  But, also in Congolese-fashion we have learned "to make do" and we made a night out of it--watching three movies and laughing at each other's drawings.

(Tracing coloring pages for hours)
     Early the next morning we meet with the teachers and demonstrate the craft and activity of the day so they can understand and hopefully be able to convey it to the kids (since we don't know enough Lingala).  Each of the teachers do a phenomenal job conveying the story and teaching memory verses.  Although we can't understand the language, we can tell that the kids are engaged and there is enough use of visuals and acting out that we can follow along.  Then it's our turn.
     Emily (our missionary team leader and best friend) is a super woman and runs around between classes, helping with translation.  The five of us girls are each assigned to a different class and age group, and we do our best to demonstrate the activities and then help out where needed.  They asked us to teach the kids an English song throughout this week and we chose "My God Is So Big" because it was easy, interactive, and one they didn't already know in Lingala or French.  This song has become a huge hit with the kids as we've found creative ways to teach it to them and sing it.  And at the end of the day each class performs the song for the whole group.  Slowly we are able to make connections with the kids.

     I have the privilege of working with the six-year-olds and even though they are young, they are full of energy and they challenge and bless me in so many ways.  On day one I sat on the end of one of the benches and although the kids were packed together, one little girl made sure to leave some space between myself and her on the seat.  During the craft many of the kids came to me with questions but I wasn't able to answer them and tried to communicate using hand motions.  The language barrier has been the most difficult challenge so far.  However, as the week went on, I found more ways to jump in and explain the games using hand motions.  I even picked up a few more Lingala words that helped a lot.  I became more comfortable with the way things worked and during one of the games today the kids were literally ambushing and hugging me.  A few even clung to me or held my hand.  Now in the Congo, these kids can take a simple American game like "Duck, duck, goose!" and turn it into a game of tag.  The games are louder, the kids are rowdier and the rules are almost non-existent.  But I love it.  I love their energy and their passion and it's contagious.  
     The Congolese people are the opposite side of the coin from American people.  But God created diversity and He mixed up the languages and scattered the people.  And at the end of the world every nation will worship at His feet.  We may be different, but we all worship the same God.

"Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone."
1 Corinthians 12:4-6

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Rewind: A Typical Work Day in Gemena

     Our alarms wake us up at 6 am and we climb out of our mosquito nets. Taking a few minutes to get ourselves physically ready for the day, we each spend time alone reading our Bibles, journaling our thoughts, or walking outside. At 7:30 we walk to a house next door where our talented cook, Robere, has breakfast ready for us. At about 8 or 8:30 we are scheduled to be picked up by the truck (but we could be waiting even longer because here we have a little thing we call "Congo-Time").

     (Our beloved truck that we spent many hours in bouncing around and getting bruised building muscle and getting tan).

     Of course, at least once along the drive to a village we will have to stop and get out so we can fix the truck or get it out of a ditch.

     This may or may not include a pit-stop to the woods for some of us. Meanwhile, we'll get bit by a few more bugs and sometimes the people nearby will bring out chairs from their homes for us to sit on while we wait (apparently this is a very common thing in the Congo...I wonder why?).

     Sooner or later the truck will get stuck again and maybe almost tip over (which is a huge adrenaline rush according to Shiloh). Then we'll get out and walk for a while until the truck drives or is pushed through the worst of the road.

     When we finally arrive at the village, all of the Global Fingerprints orphans and leaders of that village (plus some other orphans and kids who want to see the action) are lined up to greet us. Usually someone reads a welcome message and then they all begin singing for us. Someone plays a type of Djembe drum and the rest clap their hands and sing while we walk down the line, shaking everyone's hands. No matter what, everyone is excited to get their picture taken.

     Soon, we will begin our work with the sponsored orphans. We divide into teams, each of us with a translator, and begin to ask the kids questions about their family and what they like to do for fun. Then we pray for them and take their picture.

     Afterwards, we usually have a little free time to take more pictures and play with the kids. Shiloh almost always jumps in with her soccer skills and draws a crowd. No matter where we are, kids are either watching or interacting with us. I have never been around so many people at once for so long.

     Of course, visitors never leave without eating first, so a few women will cook us a Congolese meal. We enjoy Loso (rice), Soso (chicken), Pondu (cooked edible leaves), and Makemba (like cooked bananas).

     Eventually we are back on the truck--sometimes bringing orphans with us to drop off at their homes--headed back to the Elykia center.

     The next day we will spend the morning at the office, waiting patiently for photos to upload and entering new information into the Global Fingerprints website.

     Whether we are working in our areas of strength or weakness, relying on God has been a crucial part of this trip. This was my prayer--that we would be tested beyond our limits (physical, emotional, spiritual) and have no one to turn to but God.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Ministry Update: Back in Kinshasa!

     "The heart of a man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps."  (Proverbs 16:9).  One of the themes of this trip has been flexibility, and while we have learned to adapt to strange food, bucket showers and toilets that don't flush, we never expected to get up and leave Gemena at a moment's notice.  But God is good. And His eternal perspective and perfect plans are greater than ours.  He called us to Gemena at first, but now God wants Shiloh, Chloe and I to do his work in another place and with a new team.  Team Gemena is now back together working with team Kinshasa (Hailey and Laura) IN Kinshasa for the next two-and-a-half weeks here in the Congo!

(Back from left:)  Emily (our group leader), Hailey, Laura (Back from left:) Chloe, myself, Shiloh

     ** I didn't have enough internet in Gemena to post many updates, so I will be writing more stories and sharing pictures from Gemena, interspersed with new updates from Kinshasa.

     Thank you all for your prayers for all of us!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

C O N N E C T I N G in the C O N G O

     We finally have internet connection!  It's been nine days since Chloe, Shiloh, and myself have been in Gemena and already God has opened a few windows of connection.  At first we struggled, and still we are trying to connect to the people, their culture, and those back home.  But even with the language barrier, there are some languages that are universal, which we've been using to connect with the kids at the Elikya center.
     Our first sight of Gemena was breathtaking.  From our plane window we saw nothing but red dirt, abundant trees, and mud huts.  When we landed, Rachel and her husband came in their white pickup truck (which we've come to enjoy) to greet us.  Soon, we were off for a bumpy ride!  Gemena matched perfectly how we pictured Africa (think: "The Lion King" movie).

     The Global Fingerprints staff welcomed us with introductions and speeches (you can't go anywhere here without a huge welcoming).  Then we were off to get settled into our house at the Elikya center.

     Our first real connection with the kids at the Elikya center came when Chloe and Shiloh brought out their soccer balls they had brought for the kids.  We started kicking the ball around and others joined in.  Then out came the cameras and everyone got excited.  They LOVE getting their picture taken!

     We also connected with some of the girls by letting them braid our hair and laughing together.  Once we let a few girls into our house in the evening, and now it has turned into a tradition.  Shiloh captivates them by teaching them English words, while they teach us Lingala.

     We went to our first village the other day.  They welcomed us with singing and introductions, and then started our job right away.  The kids lined up and each of us (with a translator) asked the sponsored kids a few questions and took their picture so that we could take it back to the office to update their profiles.  Some of these kids had walked 1 1/2 days just for this meeting!

     Finally, we were able to get to the office for internet connection and to upload photos and send messages on the Global Fingerprints website.  And just the other day we got our phones working so we could call home.

     We're excited to see what the Lord has in store for us in the next 4 weeks!

(The three of us in front of our house on the 4th of July)

Please PRAY for:
- Health: We've been battling rashes and stomach aches off and on.
- Energy: This heat and stickiness can be very draining.
- Patience: We are on "Congolese time" here which means lots of waiting.
- Connections:  We want to continue to connect with the kids on a spiritual level, even with the language barrier.
- Endurance: We have a 5-day trip away from Gemena starting tomorrow (Wednesday)!  We don't know exactly what to expect...just that we'll be traveling from one village to another, staying the night in these villages.

Friday, June 26, 2015

A Day in Kinshasa

     Here's what our first day in Kinshasa looked like:

     These photos are only from our breakfast and Lingala lesson this morning. As when we are around town or any public place, it's not a good idea to take photos, especially when there are police men around, like in the airport or the streets.

     Our Lingala teacher and everyone else has been working hard with us to get down this language. Today we worked hard on the alphabet and some simple conjugation and phrases. We also shopped a little bit around town and bought SIM cards for our phones. Later on, we were able to go to the airport to pick up our checked bags and, even though we waited a while, were able to take back every single bag that was delayed. (Thank you for your prayers!) Afterwards, one of our leaders took us out for some delicious pizza.

     Observing the city from a van, the streets and sides are constantly overflowing with people (even at night!). Whether it is people selling odds and ends, to children walking the streets, to women with giant baskets on their heads to rickety vans and crazy drivers (there are no street signs or traffic lights!), Kinshasa is always alive. Whether inside or outside there is always loud music playing somewhere (like our neighbors across the street right now) and the smell of oil (and who knows what else) stays with you and sticks to your clothes. Even so, I will miss this city, but I am excited to finally be going to Gemena tomorrow.

     We leave bright and early in the morning to fly to Gemena, this time with just the three of us (myself, Chloe and Shiloh). However, we will have a group leader taking us to the airport as well as a police man we know at the airport helping us get on our plane. And when we arrive we'll have someone to meet us. However, I do have one prayer request (besides safe travels): My ticket has a different team members name on it somehow, so we will have to get that all sorted out in the morning.

     Again, thank you so much for your prayers!! You probably won't be hearing as much from me from now on as our wifi will be spotty and slow in Gemena.

" God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold and my refuge, my savior; you save me from violence.  I call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised, and I am saved from my enemies."
2 Samuel 22:3-4

Thursday, June 25, 2015

We made it!!

     Yesterday, we asked those back home to pray for “divine appointments on the airplane” (requested by Laura)....and God answered those prayers!

     Right away on our first plane from Minneapolis to Chicago, Shiloh and I sat next to a very sweet lady who asked us about where we were headed and why, and so we told her all about the ministries we’ll be helping with in the DR Congo.

     In the Chicago airport, we had six hours to kill before our next flight, so we explored the food court and ate lunch there. After praying together for our meal, a man came up to us and thanked us for praying publicly.

     From Chicago to Brussels I was a little nervous because I would be sitting by myself (as in not next to any of my team members) for the flight. But, Shiloh encouraged me to be friendly and meet new people. I sat next to a college student going to study abroad in Spain, who happened to be very talkative. Keeping in mind a few techniques I’d learned recently from evangelism training, (like asking questions and the SALT method) soon I was able to ask a few questions that led to spiritual matters and faith. He was very eager to have a “religious conversation” and had a brief background with the church. He even had a few searching questions, himself, and when I couldn’t articulate an answer, I asked my teammates who stepped in and were able to relate well to the situation and explain some of these difficult questions. This was about as far as the conversation went, and while I encouraged him to read the Bible, he still may not. But, we thank God for this opportunity and pray that it puts a “pebble in his shoe” to keep searching for the Truth.

     Also on that plane, Laura met a couple who had their own orphanage in Kinshasa. They were able to connect the couple with our group leaders, and there is a very real possibility that Laura and Hailey could visit that orphanage this summer.

     Finally, on our longest flight from Brussels to Kinshasa, Hailey talked to a business man and was able to tell him about our trip and our purpose for being in Africa.

     Thank God for “divine appointments in the airport” and thank YOU for praying for us. Please continue to pray for the people we encountered and that God was able to touch their lives in a special way yesterday and today.


After sitting on crowded, stuffy, cold airplanes today for over 20 hours, there are several things we’ve realized we take for granted.

T H I N G S W E T A K E F O R G R A N T E D ::

  • Being able to brush our teeth more than once a day (or once in 26 hours)
  • People who speak English
  • A regular bed to sleep on
  • Homecooked meals
  • Personal space
  • Long showers (or any shower!)
"For God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him."
John 3:17

*** Update since landing in Kinshasa:
     Despite all the worrying that our bags would be overweight, they all ended up being under the allotted amount and made it safely (except for one misplaced bag of almonds).  However, all of our checked bags, including supplies we'll be bringing to Gemena are still in Brussels, so the plan is to pick them up tomorrow evening.  In the meantime, we've been working on our team building skills by sharing what snacks and clothes we had in our carry-on bags or backpacks.  Please pray that our bags make it safely tomorrow!
     The Democratic Republic of the Congo is a whole different world to step into.  We've been realizing more and more how important it will be for us to learn as much of the language (Lingala) as we can as quickly as possible.  Pray that we will be quick learners!

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

     Team DR Congo will be flying out tomorrow morning, Lord willing!!

     We've prepared, packed, and trained, and now everything else is up to God. (Which is actually more of a comforting thought, isn't it?)

Please pray for:

  • Safety in traveling (all in God's will, of course!)
  • Calmed nerves
  • Smooth travels (we're a little nervous about all of our bags making it through and under the weight limit)
  • "Divine appointments in the airport"! (I mean, why not?)
  • Thanks everyone for your support!!

"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. For as we share abundantly in Christ's sufferings, so through Christ we share abundantly in comfort too."
2 Corinthians 1:3-5

Monday, June 22, 2015

Group Dynamics


     Training, day 2. Team building activities, group discussions and teaching sessions have all been geared towards team relationships.
     We've each introduced ourselves to the whole group, and throughout the day we prayed for each of the teams and laid hands on them.
     The most encouraging part is that all of us are here with the same purpose and passion: to serve God in missions and reach the unreached. Hearing each person's story of how God called them to the country they'll be serving in was inspiring. In this way, we all feel a special bond as sisters and brothers in Christ.

     Besides the usual personality tests and team building activities, each team was given a fun challenge: a scavenger hunt in the Mall of America! Here's a few fun moments we captured:

Excited to grow in the Lord and challenge each other across the world!

Sunday, June 21, 2015



It’s D-day! A.K.A. Departure Day (or Dad’s day since it’s Father’s Day today). This is it! We’ve said our final goodbyes, packed up our bags, and prepared our hearts. There is no going back.

Already I am amazed at the relationships and encounters I’ve had because of this trip. Because my parents like to brag about their daughter going to the Congo to just about everyone they meet, we end up sparking some great conversations.

Also, I just have to thank my church, friends and family who have been overwhelmingly generous, helpful and encouraging to me throughout this process. I can’t even count the amount of times people have come up or written to me to let me know that they are excited for my journey and praying for me. This means the world, thank you.

I find comfort in the fact that this is where God wants me to be, at this time, and at this stage in my life. I just pray He can use me to be a blessing to the people of the Congo, as well as my team and the missionaries there.

Now we’re off to a jump-start on training, where we’ll prepare with the other teams from Trek7 for a couple days, then taking off on the 24th.

(This was written this morning).

(Now for an update since arriving at our hotel in Minneapolis).

    Right now I feel like a bunch of grapes that got thrown in a crate of apples (ok maybe that wasn't a very good analogy). Basically I have mixed feelings right now...mostly good. My parents and I hugged goodbye and I was left in a hotel full of strangers (besides Chloe), completely out of my element.

     Fortunately, Chloe and I met up with the three other girls going to the Congo: Shiloh (going to Gemena with us), Laura and Hailey (going to Kinshasa). We also met one of the team leaders, Jim, and the pastor and his wife who will be flying with us.

(from left: myself, Hailey, Laura, Shiloh, Chloe)

     After a pizza dinner, several rounds of Uno, a trip to Wal-Mart and a "deep talk" on our hotel beds, we're already feeling fairly comfortable with each other, especially since most of us are complete strangers. I can't wait to see what God brings our way and how each of us grow from this adventure!

***Just a little taste of another 'bump along the road': As we were pulling my luggage up to my room, the pull handle on my checked bag completely snapped! Good thing there is still a small handle on the bag. These moments just have to be taken in stride, always trusting in God's higher plan.

"For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your hand and says to you, do you fear; I will help you."
Isaiah 41:13